"We have heard Dharma teachers share the analogy that Sangha is like a rowboat. Some people are rowing the boat. Others are riding in the boat. Sometimes, we have the strength and capacity to row. Other times, we need simply to ride--to rely on others to row for us. We take turns as we need to. Yet all the time, the rowboat of our practice carries us together."
~ Natascha Bruckner, Leslie Rawls, and Heather Weightman
(from the Summer 2019 issue of The Mindfulness Bell)Dearest Students of Meditation,
I’m very excited to be putting together this brand new sangha… Such an essential part of the path…
This women’s sangha will allow us to come together to practice, share our experiences, challenges and inspirations, ask questions, and study together, as we provide support to one another as our spiritual practices unfold.
The above passage reflects so beautifully why this community is needed. It allows us the opportunity to have the support we need to sustain our practice, to keep it vibrant and alive.
No matter where you are in your practice—whether you already have a regular daily practice, are just starting, have abandoned your practice entirely and want to begin again, or are somewhere in between—you are welcome.
There will be no charge for these gatherings, but donations will be gratefully accepted. In the insight meditation tradition, this is referred to as dana, a Pali word meaning generosity. Please see below for more information about this tradition.
Wishing you light upon the path, and looking forward to your presence,
What is a sangha?
Coming together with others on the path is viewed in almost all spiritual traditions as an important aspect of our growth. The Sanskrit word sangha is often used to refer to these community gatherings and simply denotes a community of friends who practice together in order to bring about and to maintain awareness.
This is a time for us to practice together, to share our insights and awakenings, as well as our challenges, to ask questions, and to delve into further inquiry and study in community.
These gatherings will include periods of silent and/or guided meditation, discussion and inquiry, and a short dharma talk or shared reading and study of useful texts by respected meditation teachers.
How often will we be gathering?
Gatherings will be held on monthly, usually on the thirds Thursday of the month.
What will the format for the gathering be?
These gatherings will include a time to check in with each other, periods of guided or semi-guided meditation, communal reading and study of useful texts by respected meditation teachers, followed by discussion and inquiry. We have just finished studying Thich Nhat Hanh’s beautiful audio book The Art of Mindful Living, will contemplate self-compassion in February, and then will choose our next book. Stay tuned!
Thursday, Feb. 20: Today we will be contemplating self-compassion, and all that means… Please take the time to watch this video, if you have the chance: The Space between Self-Esteem and Self-Compassion TED talk with Kristin Neff (19 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IvtZBUSplr4
Thursday, March 20: Stay tuned! (If you have a book you’d like us to study, please drop me a line here.)
Is there a fee to attend?
There is no charge for this gathering. Donations, however, will be gratefully accepted. In the insight meditation tradition, this is referred to as dana, a Pali word meaning generosity.
This practice allows the teachings to be available to all while also expressing the interdependence of those who teach and those who receive the teaching. This is totally voluntary and there is no expected amount. You simply enter into this practice of generosity to the extent you are able and comfortable.
For those who would like some guidance in this regard, in the past people have typically offered $10-$35. If you are not able to make an offering, you are still more than welcome. If you are able to offer more, this helps support those who are unable to.
You may make donations in any of the following ways – either before our session, or afterwards, as you prefer:
Via Venmo to @Cindy-Novelo (This is my preference, if it is possible for you. It’s super easy, free, and can be done right from your phone.)
Via PayPal: Send payment to cindynovelomusic@gmail.com
I can also take personal checks or credit card payments over the phone. If the above options are not possible/convenient for you, please contact me here.